Meteo for Energy offers an intelligent management system that allows companies to monitor and control outdoor lighting in real time based on weather conditions. In this way it is possible to reduce the expense in addition to optimize the maintenance and management of outdoor / public lighting.
The remote management system focuses on adjusting everyday on and off in the optimal minute based on the light calculated with the solar algorithms and the cloud information of the Meteosat satellite in real time. This is achieved by a remote control (remote management) in the electrical enclosure that manages public lighting. In this way, this system is committed to energy efficiency avoidinh having lights on while there is natural light and guarantees adequate visibility for the normal development of the activities of the society.
Meteo for Solar platform makes this information accessible to any user. In a simple and fast way it is possible to download data of the radiation components in a point or area of interest, without the need for long waits or real measurements at the place of study. The platform offers different options:
The platform helps you:
Optimization of lighting on and off
Electrical bill simulation and optimization
Customization of the platform and sendind information format
Alerts and anomalies reports
Real - time consumption management
System location and area of action
Inventory management and maintenance
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